Welcome to SnG Foundation

An organization for development aid, created by two private individuals who actively help themselves and motivate others to get involved.

Mainly founded as a support for Dream Africa Care Foundation, but with the aim not only to implement charitable projects in Ghana, but also to be active worldwide.

What is our vision?

Our Vision is to provide the missing tools to people to develop themselves. With primary focus on education.

What is our mission?

Working with local organizations and local communities and implement charitable projects in a targeted manner, taking their needs into account.


  • events and
  • regular presence on the social media platforms
  • lectures
  • training courses
  • meetings and
  • get-together gatherings,

we want to make other people more sensitive to voluntary work and motivate them to pursue our goals and, ideally, to accompany them.

So much to come. Stay tuned!

Think Big. Act Bigger.