School Construction

Project Description
SnG Foundation in cooperation with Dream Africa Care Foundation, is partnering with the
Ghana Education Service to build a completely new school complex with a total of 6 classrooms, storeroom, and a teacher’s common room.
The new building is to replace the existing school which is in a bad state and not safe for children to learn in and to cater for many of the children who study under a tree. As the existing school is meant to be an interim solution and was accordingly built very simply from load-bearing wooden stilts and a roof made of straw and does not offer enough space for all the children. The building site for the new school building is located about 1 km from the current teaching site.
Upon completion of the construction, Ghana Education Service will provide furniture such as tables and chairs for all classrooms and ensure that at least a total of 8 teaching staff are provided.
Ghana Education Service is to manage, maintain and run the school. The building is intended as a teaching facility and will be used exclusively for teaching children between the ages of 3-15, or older if necessary.
As soon as the necessary funding is available, the construction of the building will be started.
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